Library note:
CHMIEL J. 2006. Spatial diversity of flora as a basis for nature conservancy in the agricultural landscape. Publication of the Department of Plant Taxonomy of AMU in Poznań. 14: 1-250. Bogucki Wyd. Nauk. Poznań.
The work is of both the cognitive and methodological as well as applicable character. It concerns the elementary structure and spatial differentiation of flora, i.e. its richness and diversity both in qualitative and quantitative aspects, in the scale of the whole region, as well as the local square grid and a network of protected areas. An increasing importance of various habitats, forms of management and hemoroby levels for the floristic diversity has been assessed through the regression analysis. Much of attention has been paid to the presentation of richness and diversity of the flora using the following indices: realization of systematic diversity (Wr), mean regional richness of families (SBR), synathropization index of flora, floristic distinction (Of), dominance, diversity and evenness (uniformity) indices by Simpson and floristic values (WFj and Wfi). From 1213 analyzed species 452 taxa have been distinguished as demanding special care because of their real endangerment status, reaching regional or absolute edges of their distribution range or substantial importance of their local resources in regional, national or global scale.
Key words:
vascular plants, spatial structure of floristic diversity, floristical indices, species of special care, endangerment, in situ protection, NE part of Wielkopolska, Poland