LEMBICZ M. 1998. Life history strategies of species: the concepts versus empirical evidence: 22-28. In: "Plant population biology and vegetation processes" (ed. K. Falinska), W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, 364 pp.
LEMBICZ M. 1998. Relationships in the coexistence of fungi and plant species: variation of life history traits": 83-86. In: "Plant population biology and vegetation processes" (ed. K. Falinska), W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, 364 pp.
LEMBICZ M. 1998. The trade-offs in the life history of a species: 87-93. In: "Plant population biology and vegetation processes" (ed. K. Falinska), W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, 364 pp.
LEMBICZ M. 1998. Models of colonisation and patterns of genetic variation of population: 218-228. In: "Plant population biology and vegetation processes" (ed. K. Falinska), W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, 364 pp.
LEMBICZ M. 1998. Patterns of life history for clonal plants: 65-75. In: "Plant population biology and vegetation processes" (ed. K. Falinska), W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, 364 pp.
Stawrakakis K., Kasprzykowski Z., Lembicz M. 2023. Three-way interaction: severity of grass fungal infection affects fly reproduction. Arthropod-Plant Interactions doi: 10.1007/s11829-023-09992-7
Wysoczański W., Węgrzyn E., Olejniczak P., Lembicz M. 2023. Mycobiota diversity and its vertical transmission in plants along an elevation gradient in mountains. Fungal Ecology, 63: 101244. doi: 10.1016/j.funeco.2023.101244
Bultman T.L., Lembicz M., Leuchtmann A. 2022. Does the Degree of Mutualism between Epichloë Fungi and Botanophila Flies Depend upon the Reproductive Mode of the Fungi? J. Fungi 8(12), 1270. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof8121270
Ordza T., Węgrzyn E., Dominiak-Świgoń M., Lembicz M. 2022. Mycobiota of rye seeds infected with ergot fungi” Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 12(1): 95-101. doi 10.5943/cream/12/1/8
Czortek P., Borkowska L., Lembicz M. 2021. Long-term shifts in the functional diversity of abandoned wet meadows: Impacts of historical disturbance and successional pathways. Ecology and Evolution, 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8186
Wysoczański W., Węgrzyn E., Jaroszewicz B., Lembicz M. 2021. Fungal microbiota in seeds, seedlings and mature plants of raspberry (Rubus ideaus L.). European Journal of Plant Pathology, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-021-02364-y.
Lembicz M., Miszalski Z., Kornaś A., Turnau K. 2021. Cooling effect of fungal stromata in the Dactylis- Epichloë-Botanophila symbiosis. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 14:1, 151-157, DOI: 10.1080/19420889.2021.1938824
Węgrzyn E., Dominiak-Świgoń M., Górzyńska K., Chmiel J., Świtalski K., Lembicz M. 2020. Fungal microbiota in the seeds of the clonal plant Iris sibirica – a threatened species in Europe. Sydowia, DOI 10.12905/0380.sydowia72-2020-0107, pkt.40 72: 107-114.
Dominiak M., Olejniczak P., Lembicz M. 2019. Diversified impact of mycorrhizal inoculation on mother plants and daughter ramets in the clonally spreading plant Hieracium pilosella L. (Asteraceae), Plant Ecology, 220, 757-763 IF: 1,759; DOI 10.1007/s11258-019-00950-z
Górzyńska K., Węgrzyn E., Sandecki R. Lembicz M. 2019. Endophytic fungi and latent pathogenes in the sedge Carex secalina (Cyperaceae), a critically endangered specoes in Europe, Plant Protection Science, 55(2): 102-108 IF: 1,076; DOI: 10.17221/120/2018-PPS
Górzyńska K., Ślachetka M., Ryszka P., Turnau K., Płachno B., Lembicz M. 2018. Incidence, identification and mycoparasitic activity of Clonostachys epichloë, a hyperparasite of the fungal endophyte Epichloё typhina. Plant Disease. IF: 3.173; DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-02-18-0320-RE
Łabok R., Borkowska L., Lembicz M., Jensen K., Kasprzykowski Z. 2018. A narrow-gauge railway in the Białowieża Primeval Forest as a corridor for non-native species migration. Flora 240: 40-47.
Dominiak M., Lewandowski A., Gąbka M., Lembicz M. 2018. Network size-dependent impact on vegetative growth and sexual reproduction in clonal patches of white clover Trifolium repens. Nordic Journal of Botany. doi: 10.1111/njb.01928
Pagel L., Bultman T., Górzyńska K. Lembicz M., Leuchtmann A., Sangliana A., Richards N. 2018. Botanophila flies, vectors of Epichloë fungal spores, are infected by Wolbachia. Mycology An International Journal on Fungal Biology, doi: 10.1080/21501203.2018.1515119
Górzyńska K., Ryszka P., Anielska T., Turnau K., Lembicz M. 2017. Effect of Epichloë typhina fungal endophyte on the diversity and incidence of other fungi in Puccinellia distans wild grass seeds. Flora 228: 60-64. IF: 1.365; DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2017.01.008
Borkowska L., Lembicz M., Kasprzykowski Z. 2017. A non-soil seed bank dependent on the size of clonal plants: the case of Carex cespitosa, a guerrilla species in an unmown meadow. Polish Journal of Ecology 65: 258–268.
Górzyńska K., Ryszka P., Anielska T., Turnau K., Lembicz M. 2017. Effect of Epichloë typhina fungal endophyte on the diversity and incidence of other fungi in Puccinellia distans wild grass seeds. Flora 228: 60-64.
Gąbka M., Lembicz M. 2016. Clonality of an annual plant in a temporary environment: the case of whorled waterwort. Flora 224: 50-58.
Rector B.G., Czarnoleski M., Skoracka A., Lembicz M. 2016. Change in abundance of three phytophagous mite species (Acari: Eriophyidae, Tetranychidae) on quackgrass in the presence of choke disease. Exp Appl Acarol. 70:35–43.
P. Rozpądek, K. Wężowicz, M. Nosek, R. Ważny, K. Tokarz, M. Lembicz, Z. Miszalski, K. Turnau. 2015. The fungal endophyte Epichloë typhina improves photosynthesis efficiency of its host orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata). Volume 242: 1025-1035.
Górzyńska K., Olszanowski Z., Leuchtmann A., Lembicz M. 2014. Oviposition preference of Botanophila flies (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) towards stroma size of Epichloë (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) hosts. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 107(2):532-538.
Czarnoleski M., Olejniczak P., Górzyńska K., Kozłowski J., Lembicz M. 2013. Altered allocation to roots and shoots in the endophyte-infected seedlings of Puccinellia distans (Poaceae). Plant Biology 15, 264-273.
Lembicz M., Górzyńska K., Olszanowski Z., Michelsen V., Leuchtmann A. 2013. The occurrence and preference of Botanophila flies (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) for particular species of Epichloë fungi infecting wild grasses. European Journal of Entomology 110 (1): 129–134.
Czarnoleski M., Olejniczak P., Górzyńska K., Kozłowski J., Lembicz M. 2012. Altered allocation to roots and shoots in the endophyte-infected seedlings of Puccinellia distans (Poaceae). Plant Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2012.00633.x.
Czarnoleski M., Pawlik K., Olejniczak P., Kozłowski J., Lembicz M. 2012. An endophytic fungus reduces herbivory in its recently colonised grass host: a food-choice experiment on common voles, weeping alkaligrass and Epichloe¨ typhina. Plant Ecology 213: 1049 – 1053.
Lembicz M., Górzyńska K., Olejniczak P., Leuchtmann A. 2011. Geographical distribution and effects of choke disease caused by Epichloë typhina in populations of the grass Puccinellia distans in Poland. Sydowia 63(1): 37-48.
Lembicz M., Piszczałka P., Grzybowski T., Woźniak M., Jarmołowski A., Borkowska L. Falińska K. 2011. Microsatellite identification of ramet genotypes in a clonal plant with phalanx growth: The case of Cirsium rivulare (Asteraceae). Flora, 206: 792-79.
Górzyńska K., Lembicz M., Olszanowski Z., Leuchtmann A. 2011. Botanophila-Epichloë interaction in a wild grass, Puccinellia distans, lacks dependence on the fly vector. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 104(4) 841-846.
Bogdanowicz AM., Olejniczak P., Lembicz M., Żukowski W. 2011. Costs of reproduction in life history of a perennial plant Carex secalina. Central European Journal of Biology, 6(5): 870-877.
Lembicz M., Olejniczak P., Żukowski W. Bogdanowicz A. 2011. Effect of mother plant age on germination and size of seeds and seedlings in the perennial sedge Carex secalina (Cyperaceae). Flora, 206 (4): 158-163.
CZARNOLESKI M., OLEJNICZAK P., MIKOŁAJCZAK P., LEMBICZ M., KOZŁOWSKI J. 2010. Fungal endophytes protect grass seedlings against herbivory and allow economical seed production. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 12: 769-777.
GÓRZYŃSKA K. , LEMBICZ M., OLSZANOWSKI Z., LEUCHTMANN. 2010. An unusual Botanophila-Epichloë association in a population of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) in Poland. Journal of Natural History. 44: 2817-2824.
LEMBICZ M., GÓRZYŃSKA K., LEUCHTMANN A. 2010. Choke disease, caused by Epichloë bromicola, in the grass Agropyron repens in Poland. Plant Disease. 94(1): 1372.
LEMBICZ M., OLEJNICZAK P., ŻUKOWSKI W. BOGDANOWICZ A. 2010. Effect of mother plant age on germination and size of seeds and seedlings in the perennial sedge Carex secalina (Cyperaceae). Flora. 206 (4).
FALIŃSKA K., LEMBICZ M., JARMOŁOWSKI A., BORKOWSKA L. 2010. Patterns of genetic diversity in populations of Filipendula ulmaria (L.) at different stages of succession on a meadow abandoned for 30 years. Pol. J. Ecol. 58 (1): 12- 24.
LEMBICZ, M., BOGDANOWICZ, A.M., CHMIEL, J., ŻUKOWSKI, W., 2009. Carex secalina (Cyperaceae) a critically endangered species of Europe: historic and new localities in Poland. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 78 (4), 311-320.
LEMBICZ M., ROGOWSKI A., JARMOŁOWSKI A., BOGDANOWICZ A., ŻUKOWSKI W. 2010. Historical versus present populations of the sedge Carex repens: a comparision on the basis of molecular date. Phytotaxa, 3: 19-26.
LEMBICZ, M., BOGDANOWICZ, A.M., CHMIEL, J., ŻUKOWSKI, W., 2009. Carex secalina (Cyperaceae) a critically endangered species of Europe: historic and new localities in Poland. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 78 (4), 311-320.
LEMBICZ M., OLEJNICZAK P. 2009. The fungus Epichloë typhina in populations of a halophyte Puccinellia distans: salinity as a possible inhibitor of infection. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. 78(1): 81-86.
LEMBICZ M., OLEJNICZAK P., OLSZANOWSKI Z., GÓRZYŃSKA K., LEUCHTMANN A. 2009. Man-made habitats – hotspots of evolutionary game between grass, fungus and fly. Biodiversity Research and Conservation. 15: 47-52.
OLEJNICZAK P., LEMBICZ M. 2007. Age-specific response of the grass Puccinellia distans to the presence of a fungal endophyte. Oecologia 152:485-494.
LEMBICZ M., BOGDANOWICZ A., ŻUKOWSKI W. 2006. Production and structure of unisexual and bisexual inflorescences in populations of Carex secalina (Cyperaceae). Polish Botanical Studies 22: 343-346.
ŻUKOWSKI W., LEMBICZ M., OLEJNICZAK P., BOGDANOWICZ A., CHMIEL J., ROGOWSKI A. 2005. Carex secalina (Cyperaceae), a species critically endangered in Europe: from propagule germination to propagule production. Acta Soc. Bot. Vol. 74(2): 141-147.
BĄCZKIEWICZ A., BUCZKOWSKA K., LEMBICZ M. 2003. Isoenzyme markers of two hepatic species: Barbilophozia lycopodioides (Wallr.) Loeske and B. hatcheri (A. Evans) Loeske. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. Vol. 72, No. 121-124.
LEMBICZ M., OLEJNICZAK P., WIŚNIEWSKA M. 2003. Czas i przestrzeń w mutualiźmie (The time and space in mutualism). Wiad. Bot. 47 (3/4). 5-14 ss.
MARLENA LEMBICZ. 2004. Gatunek z perspektywy ekologa: od strategii życia do taksonomii. Genus, 28-34 ss.
KOZŁOWSKI, P.GOLIŃSKI, W.ZIELEWICZ, M. LEMBICZ, A. ROGOWSKI. 2004. Zmiany składu chemicznego mannicy odstającej (Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl.) w świetle oddziaływania zasolenia jako czynnika antropogenicznego". Annales Universitatis Marie Curie- Skłodowska Lublin - Polonia.
LEMBICZ M., JACKOWIAK B., ŻUKOWSKI W. 2010. Ecological and genetic effects of clonization in man-made habitats: the case of Puccinellia distans. IX International Conference Anthropization and Environment of Rural Settlements. Flora and Vegetation. Kamyanets–Podilskiy & Boyany, Ukraine, 29 June – 01 July 2010.
BOGDANOWICZ A., LEMBICZ M., CHMIEL J., ŻUKOWSKI W. 2010. Traits of life history as a key to understanding population dynamics of a species: the case of Carex secalina (Cyperaceae). International Conference Anthropization and Environment of Rural Settlements. Flora and Vegetation. Kamyanets–Podilskiy & Boyany, Ukraine, 29 June – 01 July 2010.
PISZCZAŁKA P., LEMBICZ M., BORKOWSKA L., JARMOŁOWSKI A., FALIŃSKA K. 2009. Genetic diversity in and between ramet clusters In population of clona plant Cirsium rivulare dunder succession pressure: microsattelite approach. Challenges for Contemporary Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection, Poznań, Polska 21-23 May, 162 pp.
LEMBICZ M., TURNAU K., OLEJNICZAK P., CZARNOŁĘSKI M., KOZŁOWSKI J. 2008. Man-made habitats – hotspots of evolutionary game between grass and a fungal endophyte. Plant – Microbal Interaction, Kraków, Polska, 21-22pp.
PISZCZAŁKA P., LEMBICZ M., BORKOWSKA L., GRZYBOWSKI T., JARMOŁOWSKI A., FALIŃSKA K. 2008. Genet identity in clusters of clonal plant Cirsium rivulare: microsatellite identification as tool for ecologists. XX International Congress of Genetic, Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 139 pp.
TURNAU K., GLANOWSKA B., RYSZKA P., LEMBICZ M., CZARNOŁĘSKI M., KOZŁOWSKI J. 2007. Interactions between grasses, endophytes and mycorrhizas under extreme conditions. Populatin and Evolutionary Biology of Fungal Symbionts, Ascona, Switzerland, April 29-May 4, 46 pp.
CZARNOŁĘSKI M., OLEJNICZAK P., MIKOŁAJCZAK P., KOZŁOWSKI J., TURNAU K., BIAŁONSKA D., LEMBICZ M. 2007. Palatability of a grass Puccinellia distans decreases after infection by a fungal endophyte Epichloë typhina. European Society for Evolutionary Biology, 11th Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, 20-25 August, 278pp.
OLEJNICZAK P., CZARNOŁĘSKI M. , MIKOŁAJCZAK P., KOZŁOWSKI J., TURNAU K., BIAŁONSKA D., LEMBICZ M. 2007. A fungal endophyte (Epichloe typhina) changes palatabilit of its host grass Puccinellia distans. Evolution 2007, 18-22 June, Society for the Study of Evolution, American Society of Naturalists, Society of Sysetmatic Biologists, New Zealand.
BOGDANOWICZ A., LEMBICZ M., OLEJNICZAK P., CHMIEL J., ŻUKOWSKI W. 2007. The sex expression in life history of sedge Carex secalina (Cyperaceae). European Society for Evolutionary Biology, 11th Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, 20-25 August, 107pp.
LEMBICZ M. 2006. Rośliny i grzyby endofityczne: mutualizm czy pasożytnictwo? IX Poznański Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki, 11-14 X. Poznań.
OLEJNICZAK P., LEMBICZ M. 2005. Age-specyfic of the grass Puccinellia distans to the presence of a fungal endophyte. 10th Congress European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Kraków, Poland, 15-20 sierpnia, Abstract Book, 427
LEMBICZ M., BOGDANOWICZ A., ROGOWSKI A., ŻUKOWSKI W. 2005. The sex of Carex secalina : from structure spikes to evolution. XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, 17-23 July, 412-413.
ŻUKOWSKI W., BOGDANOWICZ A., ROGOWSKI A., LEMBICZ M. 2005. Gatunki turzyc z rodzaju Carex (Cyperaceae): kierunki badań taksonomiczno-ekologicznych. Taksonomia, chorologia i ekologia roślin w dobie zagrożenia różnorodności biologicznej, Poznań, 26-27 września, 206.
LEMBICZ M., OLEJNICZAK P., JARMOŁOWSKI A., OLSZANOWSKI Z. 2004. Coevolutionary hotspots in man-made habitats: from ecological to molecular evidences. Zjazd PTG 6-9 września, 179 s.
ŻUKOWSKI W., LEMBICZ M., ROGOWSKI A. 2004. Historie filogenetyczne turzyc z rodzaju Carex: od cech morfologicznych do sekwencji DNA. Zmienność i ewolucja, Poznań.
ROGOWSKI A., LEMBICZ M., ŻUKOWSKI W. 2004. Carex posnaniensis Spribille a Carex repens Bellardi: porównanie na podstawie sekwencji rDNA (ITS). Zmienność i ewolucja,
ŻUKOWSKI W., ROGOWSKI A, LEMBICZ M., BOGDANOWICZ A. 2004. Carex secalina Willd. ex Wahlenb. 1803 (Cyperaceae): od struktury kłosów do sekwencji rDNA. Zjazd PTB
LEMBICZ M., ROGOWSKI A., BOGDANOWICZ A., ŻUKOWSKI W. 2003. The pattern of variation in the island populations of Carex secalina (Cyperacae) in Poland: from morphology to nuclear ribosomal DNA. I Kongres Taksonomii Polskiej. Wrocław, 18-21 września. Genus, 51-52 ss.
ŁAPA A., CHLEBICKI A., JARMOŁOWSKI A., OLEJNICZAK P., OLSZANOWSKI Z., LEMBICZ M. 2001. Szczyt nieprawdopodobieństwa - relacje pomiędzy trawa, grzybem i muchówką: wyniki badań molekularnych. Referat wygłoszony na Radzie Instytutu Biologii Środowiska UJ, Kraków, 23 kwietnia 2001 r.
ŁAPA A., CHLEBICKI A., JARMOŁOWSKI A., OLEJNICZAK P., OLSZANOWSKI Z., LEMBICZ M. 2001. Współzależności międzygatunkowe pomiędzy trawą (Puccinellia distans), grzybem (Epichloe typhina) i muchówką (Botanophila sp.): wyniki badań ekologicznych i molekularnych. Referat wygłoszony na spotkaniu sekcji mykologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego, Poznań, 12 grudnia 2001 r.
LEMBICZ M. 2002. Koewolucyjna przygoda uciekiniera z solniska. Referat wygłoszony na sesji naukowej pt: "Woda i Światło w życiu rośliny" na posiedzeniu Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego Oddziału Warszawskiego i Wydziału Biologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 8 czerwca 2002 r.
LEMBICZ M. 2006. Turzyca żytowata (Carex secalina), gatunek krytycznie zagrożony w Europie: od przypadku do badań ekologiczno-molekularnych. (zaproszenie od Instytutu Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków).