Polski English

Karolina Górzyńska, Assistant professor

Karolina Górzyńska

Office and address

Zakład Botaniki Systematycznej i Środowiskowej
Collegium Biologicum
ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 6
61-614 Poznań
Room No.: 2.15
Tel. 061 8292963

E-mail: karjan@amu.edu.pl

Chosen scientific publications

Scientific articles

Górzyńska K., Olszanowski Z., Leuchtmann A., Lembicz M. 2014. Oviposition Preference of Botanophila Flies (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) Towards Stroma Size of Epichloë (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) Hosts. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 107(2): 532-538.

Lembicz M., Górzyńska K., Olszanowski Z., Michelsen V., Leuchtmann A. 2013. The occurrence and preference of Botanophila flies for particular species of Epichloë fungi infecting wild grasses. European Journal of Entomology, 101(1): 129-134.

Czarnoleski M., Olejniczak P., Górzyńska K., Kozłowski J., Lembicz M. 2012. Altered allocation to roots and shoots in the endophyte-infected seedlings of Puccinellia distans (Poaceae). Plant Biology, 15(2):264-73.

Lembicz M., Górzyńska K., Olejniczak P., Leuchtmann A. 2011. Geographical distribution and effects of choke disease caused by Epichloë typhina in populations of the grass Puccinellia distans in Poland. Sydowia, 63(1): 35-48.

Górzyńska K., Lembicz M., Olszanowski Z., Leuchtmann A. 2011. Botanophila-Epichloë interaction in a wild grass, Puccinellia distans, lacks dependence on the fly vector. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 104(4): 841-846.

Górzyńska K., Lembicz M., Olszanowski Z., Leuchtmann A. 2010, An unusual Botanophila-Epichloë association in a population of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) in Poland. Journal of Natural History, 44: 2817-2824

Lembicz M., Górzyńska K., Leuchtmann A. 2010. Choke disease, caused by Epichloë bromicola, in the grass Agropyron repens in Poland. Plant Disease, 94(11): 1372.

Lembicz M., Olejniczak P., Olszanowski Z., Górzyńska K., Leuchtmann A. 2009. Man-made habitats - hotspots of evolutionary game between grass, fungus and fly. Biodiversity Research and Conservation, 15: 51-58.

Announcements (e.g. conference proceedings) and scientific notes

Referee. Lembicz M., Górzyńska K. 2016. Endofity grzybowe – manipulatorzy roślin: efekty ekologiczne, fizjologiczne i ich możliwości aplikacyjne 57th Meeting Of Polish Botanical Society, 27 June- 3 July 2016, Lublin, Poland, 217pp.

Poster. Dominiak M., Grabowski J., Górzyńska K., Lembicz M. 2016. Wpływ wieku sieci grzybowej na tempo jej rozrastania: przypadek endofitycznego grzyba Epichloë typhina? 57th Meeting Of Polish Botanical Society, 27 June- 3 July 2016, Lublin, Poland, 211pp.

Poster. Górzyńska K., Lembicz M. 2016. Czy hiperpasożyt Clonostachys epichloë ograniczy rozprzestrzenianie choroby traw "choke disease"? 57th Meeting Of Polish Botanical Society, 27 June- 3 July 2016, Lublin, Poland, 213pp.

Poster. Ryszka P., Turnau K., Płachno B.J., Górzyńska K., Stach A., Leuchtmann A., Lembicz M. 2013. Bionectria hyperparasite as control agent of choke disease of grasses caused by Epichloë sp. fungi. XI International Fungal Biology Conference 29th September - 3rd October 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Poster. Czarnołęski M., Kozłowski J., Olejniczak P., Górzyńska K., Lembicz M. 2012. Endophytic fungus alters the investments of grass seedlings to shoots and roots. 7th International Symbiosis Society Congress. July 22-28, 2012, Kraków, Poland.

Poster. Górzyńska K., Olszanowski Z., Leuchtmann A., Lembicz M. 2011. Fly-fungus interaction in wild grass: deviations from the mutualistic pattern. 13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. August 20-25, 2011, Tübingen, Germany.

Poster. Bogdanowicz A.M., Ryszka P., Turnau K., Górzyńska K., Lembicz M. 2011. Mycoparasitic fungi in the Epichloë-Puccinellia association: identification and distribution in space. 13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. August 20-25, 2011, Tübingen, Germany.

Poster. Stach A., Górzyńska K., Latowski K., Lembicz M. 2011. Endophytic fungus Epichloë clarkii in wild grass population Holcus lanatus: analysis of patterns of infection expression. 2nd Scientific and Didactic Conference of Faculty of Biology. April 5-7, 2011, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.

Poster. Górzyńska K., Olszanowski Z., Leuchtmann A., Lembicz M. 2010. Interakcja muchówka (Botanophila sp.) – grzyb (Epichloë typhina) w populacjach trawy Puccinellia distans w Polsce. 55th Meeting Of Polish Botanical Society „Planta in vivo, in vitro et in silico”, 6-12 September 2010, Warsaw, Poland, 34pp.

Poster. Lembicz M., Olejniczak P., Olszanowski Z., Jankowska K., Leuchtmann A. 2009. Coevolutionary hotspots in man-made habitats: interaction between grass, fungus and fly. I Konferencja Naukowo-Dydaktyczna Wydziału Biologii UAM, Challenges for Contemporary Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection, Poznań 21-23 maja, 125pp.

Poster. Stach A., Jankowska K., Piszczałka P., Bogdanowicz A., Lembicz M. 2009. Methods of detection of endophytic fungi: advantages and disadvantages. I Konferencja Naukowo-Dydaktyczna Wydziału Biologii UAM, Challenges for Contemporary Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection, Poznań 21-23 maja, 172pp.

Referee. Jankowska K., Stach A., Lembicz M. 2007. Interaction between fungus (Epichloë sp.), grasses and fly (Botanophila sp.). III International Young Scientists Conference Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution., 15-18 May, Odessa, Ukraina, 28pp.

Poster. Stach A., Jankowska K., Lembicz M. 2007. Endophytic fungi (Neotyphodium sp.) in Puccinellia distans grass population: molecular detection. III International Young Scientists Conference Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution., 15-18 May, Odessa, Ukraina, 68pp.

Research projects financed by the Ministry of Science (former State Committee for Scientific Research) and others

  • National Science Centre SONATA grant no. UMO-2014/13/D/NZ8/02420 for the years 2015-2018 - a project supervisor. "Hyperparasitic fungus Bionectria epichloë as a novel element in endophyte-grass symbiosis: ecological analysis of new relationships".
  • grant within the PARENT/BRIDGE programme of Foundation for Polish Science, cofinanced from European Union, Regional Development Fund (POMOST/2012-6/5) for the years 2012-2015 - a project supervisor. "Choke disease of grasses caused by Epichloë sp. fungi: evaluation of the potential role of hyperparasite in reducing disease spread".
  • grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education no. N N 303 472 138 for the years 2010-2013 - a chief contractor. "Pasture grasses infected with endophytic fungi: ecological and chemical effects of interaction". Project supervisor: dr M. Lembicz
  • grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education no. N N 303 321 237 for the years 2009-2012 - a project supervisor. Interactions between fly and fungal endophyte: dependence on duration of the fungus-grass symbiosis.

© 2007-2025 Department of Systematic and Environmental Botany