Polski English

Bogdan Jackowiak, Professor

Bogdan Jackowiak

Office and address

Zakład Botaniki Systematycznej i Środowiskowej/Department of Systematic and Environmental Botany
Collegium Biologicum
ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 6
61-614 Poznań
Room No.: 2.19
Tel. +48 61 829 56 89

E-mail: bogjack@amu.edu.pl

Currently occupied posts

  • Head of the Department of Systematic and Environmental Botany
  • Chairman of the Organismal Biology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Botanical Garden of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań
  • Editor-in-Chief of Biodiversity: Research and Conservation

Scope of main research

  • Anthropogenic changes in flora and vegetation
  • Urban ecology
  • Invasive plant biology
  • Biology of endangered and vulnerable plants
  • Distribution and ecology of field weeds
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Phenology and aeropalinology of allergenic plants
  • Digitization and biodiversity databases

Chosen scientific publications

Monographs and chapters in books


Jackowiak B. 1998. Struktura przestrzenna flory dużego miasta. Studium metodyczno-problemowe (Spatial structure of urban flora. A methodological-cognitive study). Prace Zakładu Taksonomii Roślin UAM w Poznaniu - Public. Depart. Plant Taxon., AMU; 8: 1-228. Bogucki Wyd. Nauk. Poznań.

Piotrowska H., Żukowski W., Jackowiak B. 1997. Rośliny naczyniowe Słowińskiego Parku Narodowego (Vascular Plants of the Słowiński National Park). Prace Zakładu Taksonomii Roślin UAM w Poznaniu, 6: 1-216. Bogucki Wyd. Nauk. Poznań.

Żukowski W., Latowski K., Jackowiak B., Chmiel J. 1995. Rośliny naczyniowe Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego (The vascular plants of Wielkopolska National Park). Prace Zakł. Taks. Roślin UAM w Poznaniu - Public. Depart. Plant Taxon., AMU; 4: 1-231. Bogucki Wyd. Nauk. Poznań.

Jackowiak B. 1993. Atlas rozmieszczenia roślin naczyniowych w Poznaniu (Atlas of distribution of vascular plants in Poznań). Prace Zakł. Taks. Roślin UAM w Poznaniu - Public. Depart. Plant Taxon. AMU; 2: 1-409.

Jackowiak B. 1990. Antropogeniczne przemiany flory roślin naczyniowych Poznania (Anthropogenic changes of the flora of vascular plants of Poznań). Wyd. Nauk. UAM, Seria Biologia, 42: 1-232.


Chmiel J., Jackowiak B. 2014. Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag. – selery błotne (pęczyna błotna). W: Zarzycki K., Kaźmierczakowa R. (red.). Polska Czerwona Księga Roślin. Paprotniki i rośliny kwiatowe (Polish Red Data Book of Plants. Pteridophytes and Flowering Plants), wyd. III uaktualnione i rozszerzone. S. 360-362. PAN Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Kraków.

Herbichowa M., Rosadziński S., Jackowiak B. 2014. Eleocharis multicaulis Desv. (Ponikło wielołodygowe). W: Zarzycki K., Kaźmierczakowa R. (red.). Polska Czerwona Księga Roślin. Paprotniki i rośliny kwiatowe (Polish Red Data Book of Plants. Pteridophytes and Flowering Plants), wyd. III uaktualnione i rozszerzone. S. 677-680. PAN Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Kraków.

Jackowiak B., Dajdok Z., Kącki Z. 2014. Corrigiola litoralis L. (Nabrzeżyca nadrzeczna). W: Zarzycki K., Kaźmierczakowa R. (red.). Polska Czerwona Księga Roślin. Paprotniki i rośliny kwiatowe (Polish Red Data Book of Plants. Pteridophytes and Flowering Plants), wyd. III uaktualnione i rozszerzone. S. 131-133. PAN Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Kraków.

Żukowski W., Jackowiak B., Celka Z. 2014. Apium nodiflorum (L.) Lag. - selery węzłobaldachowe. W: Zarzycki K., Kaźmierczakowa R. (red.). Polska Czerwona Księga Roślin. Paprotniki i rośliny kwiatowe (Polish Red Data Book of Plants. Pteridophytes and Flowering Plants), wyd. III uaktualnione i rozszerzone. S. 358-360. PAN Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Kraków.

Żukowski W., Jackowiak B., Szcześniak E., Rosadziński S. 2014. Pilularia globulifera L. (Gałuszka kulecznica). W: Zarzycki K., Kaźmierczakowa R. (red.). Polska Czerwona Księga Roślin. Paprotniki i rośliny kwiatowe (Polish Red Data Book of Plants. Pteridophytes and Flowering Plants), wyd. III uaktualnione i rozszerzone. S. 73-75. PAN Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Kraków.

Jackowiak B. 2010. Poznań. [In:] J.G. Kelcey and N. Müller (eds.). Plants and Habitats in European Cities. 361-403. Springer Science +Business Media.

Jackowiak B. 2007. Preface. In: B. Jackowiak (ed.) Influence of Transport Infrastructure on Nature, General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways, Warszawa-Poznań-Lublin, ISBN 83-87414-83-2, 5-6.

Jackowiak B. Ratyńska H., Szwed W., Wojterska M. 2007. Influence of transport infrastructure on habitats and vegetation: methodological grounds for analysis and an attempt at assessment. In: B. Jackowiak (ed.) Influence of Transport Infrastructure on Nature. General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways, p. 51-63. Warszawa-Poznań-Lublin.

Jackowiak B. Bekker H., Iuell B., Mikusinski G., Ratyńska H., Wojterska M. 2007. Environmental impact assessments in the light of discussions on the influence of transport infrastructure on nature. In: B. Jackowiak (ed.) Influence of Transport Infrastructure on Nature. General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways, p. 235-236. Warszawa-Poznań-Lublin.

Jackowiak B. 2004. Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag. - Selery błotne. [W]: A. Werblan, B. Sudnik-Wójcikowska (red). Gatunki roślin. Poradniki ochrony siedlisk i gatunków Natura 2000 - podręcznik metodyczny (Plant species. Natura 2000 manuals for the protection of habitats and species - methodological manual.) Ministerstwo Środowiska, Warszawa. T. 9. S. 81-84.

Brzeg A., Jackowiak B., Kasprowicz M. 2004. Maps of real and potential natural forest vegetation of the Słowiński National Park. [In:] Brzeg A., Wojterska M. (eds). Coniferous forest vegetation - differentiation, dynamics and transformations. Wyd. Nauk. UAM, Ser. Biologia, 69: 299-304.

Brzeg A., Jackowiak B., Kasprowicz M. 2004. Differentiation of the coniferous forest associations in the Słowiński National Park. [In:] Brzeg A., Wojterska M. (eds). Coniferous forest vegetation - differentiation, dynamics and transformations. Wyd. Nauk. UAM, Ser. Biologia, 69: 49-60.

Jackowiak B. 2003. Współczesne przemiany flory Wielkopolski w świetle hipotezy stepowienia (Contemporary changes in the flora of Wielkopolska in the light of the steppe formation hypothesis). [W:] Banaszak J. (red.) Stepowienie Wielkopolski pół wieku później (The Step Formation of Wielkopolska half a century later). S. 65-76. Wyd. Akademii Bydgoskiej im. Kazimierza Wielkiego. Bydgoszcz.

Jackowiak B. 2003. Spatial structure of urban flora and its dynamism. [In:] Zając A., Zając M., Zemanek B. (Eds.). Phytogeographical Problems of Synanthropic Plants. P. 17-28. Institute of Botany Jagiellonian University. Cracow.

Jackowiak B. 2000. Chorological and ecological model of urbanophilous plants in Central Europe. In: Jackowiak B., Żukowski W. (Eds.) Mechanisms of anthropogenic changes of plant cover. Publications of the Department of Plant Taxonomy - Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 10: 125-141.

Jackowiak B., Niedbała W. 1999. Miasto jako układ ekologiczny (The city as an ecological system). S. 278-309. W: Kompendium wiedzy o ekologii (Compendium of knowledge on ecology) (red. J. Strzałko i T. Mossor-Pietraszewska). Wyd. Nauk. PWN. Warszawa-Poznań

Scientific articles

Jackowiak B. 2023. Man-Made Changes in the Flora and Vegetation of Poland: Current Review. Diversity 15 (5), 618.

Jackowiak B., Lawenda M., Nowak M.M., Wolniewicz P., Błoszyk J., Urbaniak M., Szkudlarz P., Jędrasiak D., Wiland-Szymańska J., Bajaczyk R., Meyer N. 2022. Open Access to the Digital Biodiversity Database: A Comprehensive Functional Model of the Natural History Collections. Diversity 14 (8), 596.

Jackowiak B., Błoszyk J., Celka Z., Konwerski S., Szkudlarz P., Wiland-Szymańska J. 2022. The natural history collections of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland): an outline of their history and content. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 65: 1-22.

Jackowiak B., Błoszyk J., Dylewska M., Nowak M.M., Szkudlarz P., Lawenda M., Meyer N. 2022. Digitization of and online access to data from the natural history collections of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań: Assumptions and implementation of the AMUNATCOLL project. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 65: 23-34.

Lawenda M., Wiland-Szymańska J., Nowak M.M., Jędrasiak D., Jackowiak B. 2022. The Adam Mickiewicz University Nature Collections IT system (AMUNATCOLL): metadata structure, database and operational procedures. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 65: 35-48.

Nowak M.M., Lawenda M., Wolniewicz P., Urbaniak M., Jackowiak B. 2022. The Adam Mickiewicz University Nature Collections IT system (AMUNATCOLL): portal, mobile application and graphical interface. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 65: 49-67.

Nowak MM, Słupecka K., Jackowiak B. 2021. Geotagging of natural history collections for reuse in environmental research. Ecological Indicators 131, 108131

Jackowiak B. 2020. Man-made changes in flora and vegetation: a sketch to a scientific portrait of Professor Herbert Sukopp. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 60: 23-38.

Drapikowska M., Buczkowska K., Celka Z., Szkudlarz P., Jackowiak B. 2020. Genetic variability of Anthoxanthum aristatum Boiss. (Poaceae) at the non-native range limit. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 67: 163-176.

Bogawski P, Grewling Ł., Dziób K., Sobieraj K., Dalc M., Dylawerska B., Pupkowski D., Nalej A., Nowak M., Szymańska A., Kostecki Ł., Nowak MM, Jackowiak B. 2019. Lidar-Derived Tree Crown Parameters: Are they new variables explaining local birch (Betula sp.) pollen concentrations? Forests 10 (12), 1154.

Bogawski P., Grewling L., Jackowiak B. 2018. Predicting the onset of Betula pendula flowering in Poznań (Poland) using remote sensing thermal data. Science of The Total Environment, 658: 1485-1499.

Jackowiak B., Celka Z., Obarska E. 2018. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation reaches volume 50! Looking back and forward. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 50: 1-24.

Jackowiak B. 2017. The thematic structure of research on weeds of crop fields occurring in Poland in the light of bibliographic analysis. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 48: 1-10.

Jackowiak B., Celka Z., Chmiel J., Latowski K. & Żukowski W. 2017. Checklist of the vascular flora of Wielkopolska (Poland): casual alien species. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 46: 35-55.

Buters J, Prank M, Sofiev M, Pusch G, Albertini R, Annesi-Maesano I, Antunes C, Behrendt H, Berger U, Brandao R, Celenk S, Galan C, Grewling Ł, Jackowiak B, Kennedy R, Rantio-Lehtimäki A, Reese G, Sauliene I, Smith M, Thibaudon M, Weber B, Cecchi L. 2015. Variation of the group 5 grass pollen allergen content of airborne pollen in relation to geographic location and time in season. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 136 (1), 87-95.

Bogawski P, Grewling Ł, Nowak M, Smith M, Jackowiak B. 2014. Trends in atmospheric concentrations of weed pollen in the context of recent climate warming in Poznań (Western Poland). International Journal of Biometeorology, 1-10.

Grewling L, Janerowicz D, Nowak M, Polanska A, Jackowiak B, Czarnecka-Operacz M, Smith M. 2014. Clinical relevance of Corylus pollen in Poznan, western Poland. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 21 (1): 64–69.

Grewling Ł., Jackowiak B., SMITH M . 2014. Variations in Quercus sp. pollen seasons (1996–2011) in Poznań, Poland, in relation to meteorological parameters. Aerobiologia, 30 (2): 149-159 (Original paper). 2013: 1-11

Wojciechowska M, Jackowiak B. 2013. Selected elements of vascular flora structure under long-term flood conditions in the Warta Mouth National Park, Poland. Plant Diversity and Evolution 130 (3-4), 239-249.

Drapikowska M, Susek K, Hasterok R, Szkudlarz P, Celka Z, Jackowiak B. 2013. Variability of stomata and 45S and 5S rDNAs loci characteristics in two species of Anthoxanthum genus: A. aristatum and A. odoratum (Poaceae). Acta Biologica Hungarica 64 (3), 352-363.

Galan C, Antunes C, Brandao R, Torres C, Garcia‐Mozo H, Caeiro E, Ferro R, Prank M, Sofiev M, Albertini R, Berger U, Cecchi L, Celenk S, Grewling Ł, Jackowiak B, Jäger S, Kennedy R, Rantio‐Lehtimäki A, Reese G, Sauliene I, Smith M, Thibaudon M, Weber B, Weichenmeier I, Pusch G, Buters JTM. 2013. Airborne olive pollen counts are not representative of exposure to the major olive allergen Ole e 1. Allergy 68 (6), 809-813.

Drapikowska M., Szkudlarz P., Celka Z., Jackowiak B. 2012. Morphological variability of the two altitude vicariants, Anthoxanthum odoratum L. ss and Anthoxanthum alpinum in the Babia Góra Massif (Western Carpathian Mountains–Żywiec Beskid, Poland). Acta Botanica Gallica 159 (4), 433-442.

Grewling Ł, Jackowiak B, Nowak M, Uruska A, Smith M. 2012. Variations and trends of birch pollen seasons during 15 years (1996–2010) in relation to weather conditions in Poznań (western Poland). Grana 51 (4), 280-292.

Buters JTM, Thibaudon M, Smith M, Kennedy R, Rantio‐Lehtimäki A, Albertini R, Reese G, Weber B, Galan C, Brandao R, Antunes CM, Jäger S, Berger U, Celenk S, Grewling Ł, Jackowiak B, Sauliene I, Weichenmeier I, Pusch G, Sarioglu H, Ueffing M, Behrendt H, Prank M, Sofiev M, Cecchi L, Hialine Working Group. 2012. Release of Bet v 1 from birch pollen from 5 European countries. Results from the HIALINE study. Atmospheric Environment 55, 496-505.

Drapikowska M., Szkudlarz P., Celka Z., Jackowiak B. 2012. Variability of alien species Anthoxanthum aristatum Boiss. in Wielkopolska Lowland (Western Poland). Ukrainian Botanical Journal 69 (3), 385-392.

Lawniczak AE., Drapikowska M., Celka Z., Szkudlarz P., Jackowiak B. 2011. Response of Anthoxanthum odoratum and A. aristatum to different habitat types and nutrient concentrations in soil. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 20 (9A), 2465-2474.

Wojterska M., Ratyńska H., Patalas A., Jackowiak B. 2010. Mitigation of conflicts created in the landscape ecological pattern by A2 highway in western Poland as result of cooperation between investor and scientists. Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu 28, 146-162.

Drapikowska M., Szkudlarz P., Celka Z., Pierścińska J., Jackowiak B. 2008. Preliminary results of the studies on morphological diversity of the lowland populations of species from the genus Anthoxanthum L. In: P. Kočárek, V. Plášek, K. Malachová & Š. Cimalová (eds.). Environmental changes and biological assessment. IV. Scripta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Ostraviensis, 186: 236-242.

Jackowiak B., Celka Z., Chmiel J., Latowski K., Żukowski W. 2007. Red list of vascular flora of Wielkopolska (Poland). Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 5-8.

Jackowiak B. 2006. Methodological proposals for studies on the structure and dynamics of urban flora. Polish Botanical Studies 22: 251-260.

Chmiel J., Jackowiak B., Latowski K., Żukowski W. 2000. The vascular plants of the Słońsk Nature Reserve. Biological Bulletin of Poznań, 37 (2): 205-234.

Jackowiak B. 1999. Modele roślin synantropijnych i transgenicznych (Synanthropic and transgenic plant models). Phytocoenosis 11(N.S.), Seminarium Geobot. 6: 3-16.

Jackowiak B. 1998. The hemeroby concept in the evaluation of human influence of the urban flora of Vienna. In: Faliński J.B., Adamowski W., Jackowiak B. (eds.). Synantropization of Plant cover in new Polish research. Phytocoenosis 10(N.S.), Suppl. Cartogr. Geobot. 9: 79-96.

Jackowiak B. 1998. The city as a centre for crystallization of the spatio-floristic system. In: Faliński J.B., Adamowski W., Jackowiak B. (eds.). Synantropization of Plant cover in new Polish research. Phytocoenosis 10(N.S.), Suppl. Cartogr. Geobot. 9: 55-68.

Jackowiak B., Lembicz M. 1997. Puccinellia capillaris (Poaceae) in Poland: the occurrence, morphology and ecology of populations. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 42 (2): 295-303.

Jackowiak B. 1995. Chorological-ecological model of the spread of Puccinellia distans (Poaceae) in Central Europe. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 41(2): 551-561.

Jackowiak B. 1995. Stand und Perspectiven der floristischen Kartierung in polnischen Großstädten. Schr. für Vegetationkde. 27: 127-131. Bonn-Bad Godesberg.

Jackowiak B., Chmiel J., Latowski K. 1994. Zbiorowiska segetalne zbóż ozimych Wielkopolski. Cz. II. (Segetal communities of winter cereals in Wielkopolska, Part II). Bad. Fizjogr. Pol. Zach. 43: 105-124.

Jackowiak B. 1994. Outline of the floristical-ecological method of estimation of environmental transformation in the zone of the town's influence. Memor. Zool. 49: 83-92.

Jackowiak B. 1992. Zur Ausbreitung von Duchesnea indica (Rosaceae) in Wien. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 37 (2): 539-547.

Jackowiak B., Żukowski W., 1991. Z badań nad rzadkimi i ginącymi gatunkami roślin naczyniowych na Ziemi Lubuskiej (From research on rare and endangered species of vascular plants in the Lubuskie Region). Lubuski Przegl. Przyr. 2 (4): 23-28.

Jackowiak B. 1991. Raport o stanie flory miasta Poznania (Report on the state of flora in the city of Poznań). Przegląd Wielkopolski 3-4: 47-52.

Jackowiak B., Grabherr G. 1990. Zur Ausbreitung von Angelica archangelica L. an der Donau in Wien. Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Österreich. 127: 113-122.

Jackowiak B. Chmiel J., Latowski K. 1990. Zbiorowiska segetalne zbóż ozimych Wielkopolski. Cz. 1. (Segetal communities of winter cereals in Wielkopolska, Part I)Bad. Fizjogr. Pol. Zach. 40: 107-120.

Jackowiak B. 1990. Neue Daten für die Gefäßpflanzenflora von Wien. Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Österreich. 127: 107-111.

Jackowiak B. 1989. Dynamik der Gefäßpflanzenflora einer Großstadt am Beispiel von Poznań. In: Ubrizsy Savoia A. (ed.). Spontaneous Vegetation in Settlements. Part I. Braun-Blanquetia 3: 89-98.

Żukowski W., Latowski K., Jackowiak B. 1986/87. Występowanie Pilularia globulifera L. nad jeziorem Janiszowice na Ziemi Lubuskiej (Occurrence of Pilularia globulifera L. at Lake Janiszowice in the Lubuskie Region). Fragm. Flor. et Geobot. 31/32 (1/2): 69-76.

Żukowski W., Latowski K., Jackowiak B. 1985. Apium nodiflorum Lag. w Polsce (Apium nodiflorum Lag. in Poland). Bad. Fizj. nad Polską Zach. 36: 21-34.

Jackowiak B. 1984. Chorologiczne i synekologiczne aspekty ekspansji Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl. w Polsce (Chorological and synecological aspects of the expansion of Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl. in Poland). Bad. Fizj. nad Polską Zach. 35: 67-91.

Jackowiak B. 1983. Halofity okolic kopalni soli w Wapnie (woj. pilskie) (Halophytes in the vicinity of the salt mine in Wapno (Piła voivodeship). Bad. Fizj. nad Polską Zach. 34: 131-144.

Jackowiak B. 1982. Występowanie Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl. na terenie miasta Poznania (Occurrence of Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl. in the city of Poznań). Bad. Fizj. nad Polską Zach. 33: 179-183.

Announcements (e.g. conference proceedings) and scientific notes

Jackowiak B., Celka Z., Szkudlarz P. 2021. Digitization and open access to the botanical and mycological collections of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). In: Herbaria of the 21st century: achievements and challenges. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Herbarium of Ukraine (KW) – the Herbarium of M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine, (1 October 2021, Kyiv), 152-156 pp. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany; A.V. Fomin Botanical Garden of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; Ivan Franko National University of Lviv; Ukrainian Botanical Society.

Jackowiak B. 2019. Synanthropization of plant cover: from facts and hypotheses to scientific theory. In: 58th Congress of the Polish Botanical Society „Botany without borders”. Abstracts of Lectures and Posters of the 58th PBS Congress, ed. L. Frey; 2019, p. 76.

Jackowiak B., Celka Z., Chmiel J., Szkudlarz P., Wiland-Szymańska J., Błoszyk J., Lawenda M. 2019. Botanical and mycological collections of the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań online. In: 58th Congress of the Polish Botanical Society „Botany without borders”. Abstracts of Lectures and Posters of the 58th PBS Congress, ed. L. Frey; 2019, p. 268.

Jackowiak B., Celka Z., Obarska E. 2019. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation (BRC) – jubilee and promotion to the ministerial list. In: 58th Congress of the Polish Botanical Society „Botany without borders”. Abstracts of Lectures and Posters of the 58th PBS Congress, ed. L. Frey; 2019, p. 93.

Jackowiak B., Celka Z. 2018. Colonization of an island on Góreckie Lake in the Wielkopolski National Park (Poland) by Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle clones and its phytocenotic effects. XIІ International Conference “Synanthropization of Flora and Vegetation”. M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, p. 33.

Jackowiak B. 2017. Subject structure and methodology of segetal research in Poland: conclusions from bibliographic analysis. XLI National Scientific Conference on „Zoning of arable weeds in Poland”. Krakow 3–4 July 2017, p. 43-44.

Drapikowska M., Buczkowska K., Czołpińska M., Celka Z., Szkudlarz P., Jackowiak B. 2016. Genetic variability of Anthoxantum aristatum in the course of chorological expansion in Poland. In: 57th Congress of the Polish Botanical Society. Abstracts of Lectures and Posters of the 57th PBS Congress, 2016, p. 113-114.

Jackowiak B., Celka Z., Chmiel J., Latowski K., Żukowski W. 2014. Checklist of the vascular flora of Wielkopolska (Poland): native species and naturalized alien species. Challenges of modern biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics and environmental protection. 3rd Scientific and Didactic Conference of the Faculty of Biology on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Biology. April 10-12, 2014, p. 76. Poznań.

Bogawski P., Grewling Ł., Nowak M., Szymańska A., Jackowiak B. 2013. Synoptic conditions of high Ambrosia pollen count in Poznań in years 1996-2010. 9th European Pollen Symposium of the Foundation German Pollen Information Service, 11-12 października 2013, Stiftung Deutscher Polleninformationdienst, Charite, Berlin. Abstract, 2013, Allergo Journal 22(7):487-488

Grewling Ł., Jackowiak B., Smith M. Spatial variations in Betula pendula and Quercus robur flowering phases in relation to airborne pollen concentrations in Poznań (Poland). 5th European Symposium on Aerobiology (ESA) w Krakowie, 3-7 września 2012. Abstract, 2012, str.166

Grewling Ł., Jackowiak B., Szymańska A., Smith M. Episodes of the long-distance transport of birch pollen to Poznań, Poland. 5th European Symposium on Aerobiology (ESA) w Krakowie, 3-7 września 2012. Abstract, 2012, str.189

Grewling Ł., Jackowiak B., Nowak M., Szymańska A. et al. Predicting the start of the birch and oak pollen seasons in Poznań, Poland using thermal time models. 5th European Symposium on Aerobiology (ESA) w Krakowie, 3-7 września 2012. Abstract, 2012, str.152

Bogawski P., Grewling Ł., Nowak M., Szymańska A., Kostecki Ł, Jackowiak B. The relationship between the cloudiness at different altitudes and basic pollen season parameters for Poaceae, Betula sp. and Artemisia sp. in Poznań. 5th European Symposium on Aerobiology (ESA) w Krakowie, 3-7 września 2012. Abstract, 2012, str.154

Drapikowska M., Celka Z., Szkudlarz P., Jackowiak B. 2010. Morphological variation in populations of Anthoxanthum aristatum Boiss. from different habitats. In: IX International Conference Anthropization and Environment of Rural Settlements. Flora and Vegetation. Kamyanets-Podilskiy-Boyany, Ukraine, 29 June-01 July 2010. Program, Proceedings and Excursions. M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, pp. 23-24.

Jackowiak B., Celka Z., Chmiel J., Latowski K., Żukowski W. 2010. Vascular plant flora of Wielkopolska: 200 years of research and anthropogenic transformations. In: IX International Conference Anthropization and Environment of Rural Settlements. Flora and Vegetation. Kamyanets-Podilskiy-Boyany, Ukraine, 29 June-01 July 2010. Program, Proceedings and Excursions. M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, p. 31.

Drapikowska M., Celka Z., Szkudlarz P., Kucharczyk I., Jackowiak B. 2010. Morphological differentiation of Anthoxanthum odoratum and A. alpinum populations on Babia Góra Mountain. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 79(Suppl. 1): 37.

Drapikowska M., Szkudlarz P., Celka Z., Jackowiak B. 2009. Natural and anthropogenic determinants of genetic variability of species in the genus Anthoxanthum L. (Poaceae). In: Challenges for Contemporary Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection. 1th Scientific-Didactic Conference of the Faculty of Biology of the Adam Mickiewicz University. 21-23 May 2009, Poznań, Poland. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, pp. 95-96.

Jackowiak B., Celka Z., Chmiel J., Latowski K., Żukowski W. 2009. Regional Biodiversity Assessment: A Case Study of Vascular Flora of Wielkopolska. In: Challenges for Contemporary Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection. 1th Scientific-Didactic Conference of the Faculty of Biology of the Adam Mickiewicz University. 21-23 May 2009, Poznań, Poland. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, p. 104.

Drapikowska M., Szkudlarz P., Celka Z., Jackowiak B. 2008. Morphological variability of Anthoxanthum aristatum and A. odoratum in Poland – a preliminaryreport. In: Kočárek P., Plášek V. & Malachová K. (eds.). Environmental changes and biological assessment. IV. Ostrava, April 10-11th 2008. Book of Abstracts: 12.

Drapikowska M., Szkudlarz P., Celka Z., Jackowiak B. 2008. Comparative anatomy of Anthoxanthum (Poaceae) species from Poland. In: The Fourth International Conference on the Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledones & The Fifth International Symposium on Grass Systematics and Evolution. Abstracts, p. 76. Copenhagen, Denmark 11-15 August 2008.

Jackowiak B. 2006 Floristische und vegetationskundliche Untersuchungen in polnischen Städten: Richtungen und Perspektiven. [In:] Stadtflora und Stadtvegetation. Arbeitskreis Biomonitoring/Global Change. Hannover, 11. Mai 2006. Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft für Vegetationskunde Hannover.

Jackowiak B., Ratyńska H., Szwed W., Wojterska M. 2006. Influence of transport infrastructure on the habitats and vegetation: bases of methodical analyses and the attempt of evaluation. [In:] International Scientific Technical Conference "Influence of Transport Infrastructure on Nature", Poznań (Poland), September 13-15, 2006.

Jackowiak B. 2005. The Spatial Patterns of the Flora in Large European Cities. Abstracts. XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, Europe, 17-23 July, p. 369.

Brzeg A., Jackowiak B., Kasprowicz M. 2005. Share of Ancient Forest Plant Species in Recent Forests as a Criterion of their Valuation and Reconstruction. Abstracts. XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, Europe, 17-23 July, p. 600.

Jackowiak B. 1994. State and perspectives of floristical-ecological studies in polish towns. VI International Congress of Ecology. Ecological Progress to meet the Challange of Environmental Change. Manchester, England 20-26 August 1994.

Jackowiak B. 1992. Floristical-ecological method of estimation of environmental transformation in the zone of town influence. II European Meeting of the INTECOL/UNESCO-MaB. International Network for Urban Ecology. Warsaw, 15-17 Dec. 1992.

Jackowiak B. 1991. Floristische Kartierung von Biotopen in polnischen Großstädten. Kurzfassungen der Vorträge 12. Jahrestagung der LfNuL der BRD und der BfNuL. 26-28. Sept. 1991 in Wien.

Jackowiak B. 1990. Usage of a floristical-ecological method in the towns planning. V International Congress of Ecology. Yokohama, Japan, August 23-30, 1990.

Jackowiak B. 1988. Dynamik der Gefäßpflanzenflora einer Großstadt am Beispiel von Poznań (Polen). W: 31 International Symposium IAVS "Spontaneous Vegetation in Settlement. Frascati, April 11-15, 1988.

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